Luke Kirsch

I’m everything you can’t control.

!!!DISCLAIMER: writer is 25, this account is STRICTLY MDNI, if you are a minor do not interact / follow. thank you!!!

@esoterickin on twitter

About Luke

Luke Kirsch was born to Wayne Kirsch & Mylah Hicks after the two had other children, making him the youngest brother of the four. Luke got along with his siblings as much as siblings could, growing up. He also got along with his mother. He and his father got along for the most part, he’d like to say, but they had their moments. Luke grew up in a seemingly. .normal family.After Richie. .something in Luke changed, but he chalked it up to grief. He knew that his family had changed as well and that it was a very difficult time for all of them. He wanted more than anything to just be i n v o l v e d. He was brushed off as “too young” to understand whilst some of his family had something up their sleeve.After the news of his Father, Ethan, and Quinn came to light, something in Luke didn’t just change, it was like a darkness was awoken inside of him. He and his mother were all they had left. He was constantly torn between being there for his mother, or taking matters into his own hands. . .Once consumed by darkness, it wasn’t hard to convince himself that he was doing his mother a f a v o r if he were to handle things on his own.Seemingly normal on the outside. . but deep down ? . . .

Characteristics & Helpful Info

Luke can be outgoing and witty at times, especially once you get to know him. Jokester. Polite. To outsiders, Luke can be seemingly reserved. Luke isn’t one to trust easy. He can seem cold or dismissive when first meeting strangers, however, people tend to grow on him.Luke smokes cigarettes and green. A social drinker, though it can get pretty heavy at times.Luke’s mother made sure to help him in enrolling to college with a different surname, in hopes to make his college experience more positive . . given the circumstances.

• Original character for the Scream verse, crafted by #Storm.•MV and OC friendly•Mature themes will be present, however I draw the line at writing smut, I will politely decline.•Shipping is on heavy chemistry and MUST be discussed.•Seen all Scream movies and the TV series as well.•Nobody knows that Luke is a Kirsch, or ghostface (unless planned/discussed).• Luke enrolled in college as Luke Sumner.•Ghostface! Luke will be written in bold lettering.•Luke’s age will be based upon SL time and events of the franchise, but will NEVER be written as a minor.•Banter & detailed SLs welcome!•Feel free to DM / @ me for planning, or just to chat!•No affiliation with Timothee Chalamet, this account is for writing purposes only.